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Carly Leinheiser
"Building Purpose into Psychedelic Business" — Join Partner Carly Leinheiser's Panel at DoubleBlind's Virtual "Working in Psychedelics Summit"
PANEL: Building Purpose into Psychedelic Business With Colin Pugh, Carly Leinheiser, and Jon Dennis, moderated by Bennet Zelner March...

Allen Bromberger
Partner Carly Leinheiser Co-authors "Social Impact Primer" for the Psychedelic Bar Association
As a Founding Member of the Psychedelic Bar Association (PBA), Bromberger Law Partner Carly Leinheiser co-authored the "Social Impact...

Allen Bromberger
The Taxable Nonprofit and the Tax-Exempt For-Profit: Clever Innovative Structures or Ugly Ducklings?
For today’s social entrepreneur, trying to do good and make money simultaneously can be a challenge. How to choose the right structure...

Allen Bromberger
Choosing the Right Model for Your Nonprofit, For-Profit Hybrid Business Venture
The ability to deploy both invested and philanthropic capital, and to generate earned and donated revenues can be a huge advantage.

Allen Bromberger
Why Patagonia Is a Game Changer—a New Legal Model
Patagonia's model is an excellent example of a “steward ownership” model and a game changer for the social enterprises for two reasons...
Marissa Feinberg
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